Thursday, January 9, 2014

Anza Borrego Desert...Adjustment phase!

We arrived a week ago, moved 3 times before finding our happy place, and are beginning to settle in.  I often refer to this Adjustment Phase as our decompression from holidays, but this year we have the added need to recuperate from a very full year of travel in 2013; body, mind, motorhome, bank account!

Our home..we even added solar lights after our neighbor got lost!

Our front yard view looking toward Clark Dry Lake & into Rockhouse Canyon, at dusk

We have a geocache!

And a turtle...

A previous occupant left us this colorful gourd!

So if you're in the neighborhood, stop by and say hello!

We have much to do and nothing to do, and lots of time to do them in.  Files and photos from 2013 need to be sent to an external disk, closets and storage bins cleaned out and sent to the thrift store in town, and jeep drives, hikes, and much practice and learning with new Nikon D7100.

We did our first hike up Coyote Mountain's lower hills, working up to more peak experiences. Howard has had several good 4-5 mile jogs and I've managed a few short hikes.  On our drive down to Orange Grove RV Park I had the mother of all back spasm attacks and bounced along in bed, lulled by the vibration of a big Cummins engine, and trying not to move.  I get these once or twice a year, and take it as a sign that more exercise needs to be added to the regime. Driving, or riding in my case, thousands of miles does not count!

First hike up the mountain!

Howard follows the rock cairns

And there's the snake!

And a little bit higher

Yep...way over down there!

In this drought-ridden, brown environment, we found signs of life on this Ocotillo

And going down!

We cleaned and polished the outside of the motorhome, except for that nasty front plexiglass bug snatcher, using one of our favorite products, Dri Wash 'N Guard.  We met the vendor years ago at the Quartzsite RV Show and now order online.  The name speaks for itself, no water needed; perfect for parking in the boonies and even RV parks where washing would be prohibited.  Now the old gal is looking spiffy indeed!

She hides her age well!

Friends Kathie and Bob drove down from La Quinta yesterday where they're staying at Lake Cahuilla. We enjoyed a good lunch in town at Carlee's Place, and returned for a camera lesson. Kathie is a great photographer and shared many helpful tips as she has used a Nikon for years.  And many thanks go out to Emily of Roads Less Traveled, for virtually sending me a ton of advice, both before and after purchasing the camera.  There are a lot of nice folks out there in blogland!

I know it looks like we're having fun, but this is really hard work!

Tomorrow is the Friday Farmer's Market at Christmas Circle.  We are so looking forward to it, and in need of fresh fruit and veggies.  It's always nice to meet up with our favorite vendors.  I hope the "meat guy" is there!  And goodies from Dudley's!

Here are some parting shots, until next time:

Shades of brown & blue

Our kind of roads

We have neighbors!

Sunrise....hanging out the window!

And sunset

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