No, we did not leave the awnings or the slide out! |
At this writing we're on I-10 heading west so our brief stay consisted of 5 full days, not much time with a big road trip coming up. It seems to take 2 days just to unpack a month's worth of "being gone" and stow the bags in the nether regions of the motorhome and put the clothes and electronic gear away. Once again, as in Roatan, we took way more clothes than we needed, and it never tucks away as tidily as I like. Time to downsize the stuff!
The weather is getting...well nasty is about as nice as I can be. Hot, hot hot, and very windy and dusty. It is so nice to be mobile and good that we're about to head for the Pacific Coast, where I'll complain about fog and cold. Actually May is usually pretty nice!
May is a good month in the Coastside Half Moon Bay area |
So began the long process of getting ready to leave after the motorhome, not us, has been sitting here for 3 months plus 3 weeks. There were two trips to Costco, several to the local hardware store, and we even managed two great evenings with our local BFFs.
Rodger & Sharon winter in Tucson and summer in MN. Best friends forever! |
Rodger has a fancy workshop full of wood-carving power tools where he makes tiny, intricate ornament-like creations, of which we are the proud owners of a couple. I asked him for a private viewing and demonstration when we went over for our farewell happy hour. I'm thinking Christmas decorations or possibly some hanging art, as in a mobile, would be appropriate in our circumstances.
Rodger in his workshop |
A few of his intricate little decorations |
We cannot leave without some early morning hikes at Tucson Mountain Park to view the spring arrival of blossoms on the Prickly Pear and Staghorn cacti, and the popping of those buds crowning the stately Saguaro. It's a bit too early here for the Barrels and Teddybears though. Anyone have a wildflower/cacti report from the Anza Borrego Desert?
Prickly Pears at Tucson Mt. Park |
The Staghorn, normally not very attractive, sports some bling! |
Those buds high atop Mr.Saguaro will soon pop open! |
The crowning glory |
Staghorn close-up |
The Pricklies bud pink and bloom yellow |
Providing sweet nectar.... |
Pretty and deadly as I walked away with a few "bites"! |
Another pretty face.. |
Can't believe it's been two years since I joined Blogger! I have connected with so many of you who travel and share our lifestyle and interests; learned a lot, laughed at several, and cried over the obstacles that crossed a path or two. There are some pretty incredible writers and photographers out there. I'm still not sure I understand the "following" protocol as I follow all of you, but there seems to be a hierarchy of sorts. I can't conceive of 2500 page views a month even when many of you have tens of thousands. I'm also a big Google fan and enjoy the interaction of many products, especially Picasa. Will be saddened to loose Google Reader and naively thought my blog list on the right hand side would magically update itself. Just starting to figure out Google+ and already have made several contacts.
So like us, follow us, share us, friend us, and comments are so appreciated, as the Journey continues......
The cactus flowers look delicious, literally. And now your desert views will be replaced by coastline. It's a wonderful life.
Love that Kokopelli on Roger's wall. He does nice work. And the cactus blossoms are just beautiful.
Welcome back from your trip. I've been quite bad about blog reading, so I'll have to go back and read up on your San Carlos posts. Nice desert blooms you have there. We've never really spent much time in the desert ... looking forward to doing that at some point in our travels.
Meant to say that I too am sorry about the loss of iReader ... even more so about the loss of iGoogle where I did most of my blog reading through RSS feeds. I just linked my Blogger to Google+ as that seems to be the direction in which Google is taking us ... whether we want to or not. Now I just need to find out if there is a way for blog posts to automatically show in Google+ rather than me having to remember it to share them after publication in Blogger ;-)
Welcome home! Nice to know you are back in your little casita. The work Rodger does is soooo cool - hmmm, seems he likes the same kokopellis as I. Enjoy the coast and be glad you are out of the desert for a while. (And then you/we miss it and want to return...) I'm joining you on hating to see iGoogle go, along with iReader. :( :( :( This was one of those postings that covered huge areas to comment on. Please come clean out my closets also, when you have time. Hugs and safe travels!
We were in Half-Moon Bay just last month so it was great to see your photo of it as it brought back some great memories of a fun day for us.
I'm happy to see you are experimenting with Google+ - it's fun and is becoming quite popular lately with a lot of RVers. It will be interesting to see how it develops over the next little while.
If you publish your blog using Blogger's Editor it can be configured to prompt you to publish to Google+ as well. I use Live Writer and, unfortunately, it has no such option so I do it manually each day.
'Feedly' is a good option for replacing Google Reader - it's actually better in a lot of ways.
Amazing how so many of our paths cross! Will have to give Feedly a look.
Beautiful cactus flower pictures!!!
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